
I'm Manuel

And I'm a

More About Me My Projects

About Me


Hi, My name is Manuel.
I am a

Based in Milan, with a growing experience in working on end-to-end projects that aim to make people's lives easier. I'm constantly improving in finding the best techniques and solutions to solve problems and avoid users' struggles on everyday tasks.

I'm also passionate about coding and web design, that's why I'm interested in mastering HTML, CSS and Javascript as well as Frontend Frameworks for both Web and Native applications.

My final objective is to cover every aspect of end-to-end projects, from the Design process to the actual coding phase.

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skills experience education

Html & CSS


Responsive Design


Bootstrap 5,SASS


JS, jQuery




Graphic Design




Lofi/Hifi Prototyping

Dec 2021 - Present

Frontend Developer, UX Designer

GameStop, Italy

Experienced web developer skilled in frontend and backend solutions, with a focus on interface design, performance optimization, and UX initiatives. Strong track record in optimizing operations and driving business growth through effective marketing strategies in domestic and international markets.

Feb 2021 - May 2023

Graphic content creator

Starting Finance, Italy

Graphic Designer and content cerator for Starting Finance Linkedin Page. Ideation, data visualization and content creation with Illustrator, Photoshop and Canva.

Mar 2021 - May 2021

High School Professor

Talentika, Italy

Finance, Marketing and UX Professor, covering a broad spectrum of subjects as Game theory and Gamification, Personal Finance and Neuromarketing Strategies through advertising.

Sep, 2018 - Present

Social Media manager & Graphic Designer

Freelancer, Itay

Content creator for Small Businesses and already started Companies as well as non profit associations based in my City.

Sep 2021 - Oct 2021

HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Certificate

Course attended by the Johns Hopkins University through Coursera about Web development fundamentals HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript/Json.

Jun 2021 - Sep 2021

Google UX Design Certificate

Course attended by Google through Coursera about the foundations of UX design, including empathizing with users, building wireframes and prototypes, and conducting research to test your designs.

Sep 2017 - Feb 2021

Bachelor's degree Student in Finance, Banking and financial markets - University of Pisa

Graduated with 110/110 cum Laude with a thesis regarding pricing models of Credit Default Swap through a regressive and stochastic approach.

What I do

Web Developer

Constantly improving my Frontend skill with to develop stunning pages to make internet a stylish and less boring place.

UX/UI Design

I cover every step required to solve users problems and make their lives easier through a practical process and intuitive interfaces.

Graphic Design

From Logo creation to more Complex Artwork, I use all my experience and deep knowledge with the most popular graphic design software to create something unique with its very own personality.

Latest Works

All Website & Web App Mobile App Full
Jobdesk thumbnail Download PDF

GS Deals - Web App

Jobdesk thumbnail Download PDF

Armogan Framework - Website Restyling

Jobdesk thumbnail view Project

Jobdesk - Personal Project

Project Brief

Jobdesk is a service that helps small businesses and startups to find facilities and offices that are both affordable and suited for their specific business purposes. It was tought as able to provide startups and small businesses a choice whenever it comes to facilities.
Considering their purposes as well as the price.

Project info

  • Category - Native app (mobile) & Responsive Website
  • Date - August-September 2021
  • Client/User - Startups and Small Businesses
  • Tools - Adobe XD/Figma
  • PDF - Get the full Design Process Showcase
crunchygap thumbnail view Project

Crunchy Gap! - Personal Project

Project Brief

Crunchy gap aims to become an innovative app which allows cinema spectators to order any snack they desire, without losing a frame of their favorite movie. The project is the result of a prompt given by Google and entirely devised by me. My vision of this project revolves around the idea of a proprietary app which allows cinemas to bring them the snacks they want or just letting them know if some of them are still available.
All without waiting for any queues to move.

project info

Jobdesk thumbnail view Project

Cryptoflow - Personal Project

Project Brief

Cryptoflow is a useful Crypto Exchange which allow to easily trade cryptocurrencies, stay updated and learn about financials topics. I Wanted to design an exchange that aims to simplify the related main actions and operations and hopefully with which users might explore and increase confidentiality with finance related topics.

project info

Icymeal thumbnail view Project

Icy Meal - Personal Project

Project Brief

Icy Meal is a proprietary app which helps people to expand their diet and make them eat healthier, in an affordable and rapid way.
All of this using anything but the things left in their fridge.

Project info

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+39 331 141 90 83

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